Steering system

The steering system is the "steering wheel" of your car and its importance for your safety is obvious. Any of its malfunctions can negatively affect your driving and is dangerous, which is why it is checked on every service in our workshop!

The steering system is a complex-magical system of axles, angles, linkages, balls, bellows, that converts the rotary motion of your steering wheel into linear motion and then back into rotary motion at the wheels.

Works with suspension and axle system for:

  • stability
  • the correct "setup" of your car
  • its performance at the start, in straight and turning courses but also in
  • immediate response to emergency situations such as:
    • sudden braking
    • unexpected tight turns
    • dangerous overtake.

This cooperation of the systems is unique and special in every car and is based on very delicate balances.

Our specialized and experienced technicians with their profound knowledge of the subject can literally transform your car and you can now be sure that your car listens and carries out your every command!